I keep a list at the office of poets whose work I might want to purchase one day. Most recently I purchased Tony Hoagland's
What Narcissism Means to Me on the recommendation of the list
. I started keeping a list when I began my current job because I decided to read at least one poem a day to prevent life from becoming unbeautiful. Life gives me (and you) many, many opportunities to call it ugly. If we choose to focus on the ugly we stop seeing the beautiful. The daily poetry habit is an attempt to combat that. Also, poetry makes me happy-- reading, writing, listening-- it makes me glad. Anyway, that habit became a list of poets. I mostly read/listen to the Writer's Almanac, but there are
many other sources for poems and some days I need 3 or 4.
Here are some poetry links for the poet I added this guy to my list:
Baron Wormser. This morning "
A Quiet Life" was today's poem on the Writer's Almanac.
Tony Hoagland: "
Windchime". This is from the book I'm reading and has a lovely layered meaning for me only. It's nice the way writing and especially poetry can give that.
And one from Billy Collins because everyone likes to read Billy Collins. "
Study in Orange and White" anticipates some summer sightseeing.
I've been contemplating poetry participation again, but I'm still working on it. I'll make you an offering soon.