Saturday, November 10, 2007

Question Authority

My brother had me watch this Youtube video. I think a few of you will recognize the star.

I just watched Luther which happens to also have a strong message about questioning authority. I do wish I had read a brief biography before I watched so that I would be more prepared for when exactly the movie would end. If you hadn't thought about how amazing it is to have freedom of religious belief, then you ought to watch it.

I also wanted to provide a link for your questioning pleasure that relates to a conversation that I had at lunch. I was wondering how long this particular political point had been an issue and I think this got me a bit closer to the source.

Finally, not that many little girls are authorities, but my niece has seemed to accurately assign the names of various Winnie the Pooh characters to real people in her life. I have been assigned "Pooh". I'm a little afraid of the implications.


Ben said...

if only they had done a better job with luther...

linda jean said...

ben-- is that a reference to the movie or the Roman Catholics?

Shauna said...

Looks like I have some Taylor Mali watching to do on YouTube.

I share Ben's sentiments about Luther. It was good enough to make me want to learn more about Luther, but I thought Joseph Fiennes didn't seem authoritative or passionate enough to convincingly portray him.

linda jean said...

I may have been forgiving due to watching an extremely poorly acted movie just before watching Luther. I liked the understatedness of his portrayal.

malh said...

The one thing I remember about Luther is that we were the youngest people in the audience.:)

Anonymous said...

it's definitely best viewed from your extra long white $10 couch in the privacy of your own home to avoid being seen watching an historical drama that has never been a comic book. you know, so that you won't be mistaken for an old nerdy person.