He didn't want to have his picture taken. I don't want mine taken either. Alas, we have no cultural mores that allow us that luxury. I'm not sure why it is that there are times that we want to look away. Maybe the last few weeks have been too much for him, what with the new baby and the focus on the infant. He is fighting to find himself in the shuffle of changes. Or maybe it was just the end of a day at the zoo.
I went to the zoo Saturday with 3 nephews and 1 niece (there were other members of our party. I wouldn't have tried such an outing alone). I asked the nearly 2 year old niece if she could say flamingo. She answered "mingo". I asked the nearly 3 year old nephew (not J. who is pictured) if he could say flamingo. He answered "no" and then said "ask Bubba".
I've been thinking about the Grimke sisters today. I admired them so much when I read their writings in college. I'm thinking of whether I could have been like them, realizing that it would take a great deal of gumption, which I lack sometimes in my convictions. Sometimes it's good to revisit what we think and what it is that we don't let ourselves think.
The Grimke girls...wow...I would like to read their writings as well. Sometimes i think that i wasn't properly educated in the college of business.
I wonder whether you would have gotten to read them even if you had decided to get an English degree. I think they were included because of the push toward representing the underrespresented in our readings. Anyway, I'm happy with my degree.
I am up for suggestions for my next classic reading project, for after April 17th... I really loved David Copperfield, and was really happy that I hadn't seen a film before I read the book.
Shauna has a list of some classics she's looking to read right now http://shaunarumbling.blogspot.com/
I 've been reading curent fiction lately. Have you ever read 100 Years of Solitude?
I forget whether I read 100 Years of Solitude or a different Marquez one. Is it the one that begins with the scent of bitter almonds reminds me of the fate of unrequited love?
no, that is from Love in the Time of Cholera...
I read that one because of My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors.
I read 100 years of Solitude...a very odd book...I keep remembering bits of it from time to time...yellow butterflies and ants and gypsies and babies born with pig tails and everyone with the same name
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