Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Haiku

Happy Thanksgiving. Last year we started a little tradition here that I believe ought to continue: Thanksgiving Haiku. It's a bit early and nothing too Thanskgivingy has happened yet, but I'm afraid the next few days will yield little time for poetry. So, here you are:

Rotten pumpkin stink
A disposed decoration
One less for Thursday

Please join in.


lobiwan said...

Dude! Its' totally.
Like, NOT Thanksgiving: without.
Some epic Haiku's!

Anonymous said...

Without Margaret's
permission, I invite you
all to Nardin this year.

lobiwan said...

Somebody is not
Having a good Thanksgiving:
Ben Roethlisberger

Sodbusters showin'
Dem Coconspirators just
What is up! Boo Yeah!

I know how much you
Dislike the use of blogger
Off-topic. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Linda Linda Jean
the thanksgiving haiku queen
don't drop the p. pie.

mllr said...

A crisp hushed morning
Antlers step on crunchy leaves
A shrill echo sounds

Shauna said...

sweet paper turkeys
imaginative daughter
unexpected twist