Monday, May 05, 2008

Samson of the Cimmaron

Exploring again. This weekend it was to Samson of the Cimarron in Seward County. (I recommend clicking on the link. It has some great historical photos and an explanation of what led to its construction.)
The bridge is just off of Highway 54. If you turn off at the rest area west of Kismet and drive north you'll find the bridge. However, I would strongly urge you to approach from the north. You take the paved road off of 160 which is west of Kismet by a mile or two. I'm not sure the name of the road, but since you can see Kismet in the distance, just turn on the paved that appears to be west of the town. The benefit of that road is that you'll get this surprising view of the bridge that is hidden until you come over a rise. It's a shock to come upon this monster. The picture is taken just over the rise.


mllr said...

wow! the bridge that sped Arkalon to oblivion...I need to find this next time I come home.

malh said...

Great Pictures!

linda jean said...

It is definitely worth the visit.

jmlo said...

cool bridge!

Ranger said...

I call it Bar W Feeders Road, but that's just me.