Monday, February 02, 2009

Is cat-loving spinsterhood born or is it thrust upon you?

I do not know if it's that I'm not native town or that I am unaccustomed to the culture where I'm living, but I am getting frustrated with the stray cats. I have my very own herd. There is cat hair on the porch and they have stopped scampering away from me at all. They just stare as if my yard was their home. They congregate under the cedar tree and crouch as though they might pounce on me if I make any sudden movements.

This evening when I walked out to my car Clockwork sat in my path basking in the sun and then slowly stood up and sauntered three feet from me as I was leaving. Hampshire and Icing were sitting underneath the cedar staring. As I drove away I saw a sight that infuriated me. I saw the last straw. I saw Clockwork mounting Hampshire.

I slammed on my brakes and stomped over to the cats and demanded that they cease. It occurred to me that this would mean more cats and that they would be native to my yard if I let this behavior continue. (Does anyone know the gestation period for cats?)

Do town people call the pound about stray cats? Do I start throwing rocks? How can I end the circle of life happening in my yard? Can I put up barbed wire to keep out the herds?


Jenny said...

I am up at 3:30 in the morning reading your blog because the d@%n neighborhood cats woke us up again with their mating screams outside our window. Heath was contemplating rocks or a BB gun. How ironic to see you had just written this earlier tonight! Maybe that is why that house near yours used to have all the funny dog statues in the yard?

linda jean said...

I hadn't thought of that. I have a big yard, I could get lots of dog statues.

In the Mix said...

Your first step might be to stop naming the cats in your yard? ;)

Seriously though, I think most animal shelters don't pick up cats but will take them if you bring them in. But, I'm not sure about that.

linda jean said...

I didn't think that they would pick them up and I'm not touching them. As for naming the cats, I can't help that. Though, since the incident I just keep calling Hampshire "whore cat".

malh said...

I know that you are too young for this book, but it is one of my favorites--The Little Old Lady Who Named Things(I think that is what it is called) by Cynthia Rylant. She is one of my favorite authors.(it's a picture book--most of my favorite books are)

linda jean said...

malh-- i feel like i should embrace the inevitable. if i'm destined to be the old woman who named things then so be it.

Anonymous said...

Linda--they advised me to sprinkle cayene pepper in my flower containers to discourage the squirrels who were digging up my flowers. You migh try that.

linda jean said...

Pepper sounds like a good idea. I wonder if a wind chime would scare them?