Saturday, September 26, 2009

I was cleaning house when suddenly the day outside was perfect

I hope this one doesn't offend you. I saw millions of grasshoppers today. I wish it were an exaggeration. It was a beautiful day regardless of your species.

I need to return to this spot for better pictures. The bus is abandoned much like the swing set, much like many places along the rural roads anywhere on the plains. Something about the openness and the exposure that is familiar. It's so quiet, but in the stillness is the searching for lost laughter.

Camp Kinney or Finney County Game Refuge. I thought you might like to see the place with a little bit of water collected below the dam.

I can't help it. Calves are adorable. There was a lot of mooing associated with this stop.


malh said...

Beautiful. I miss wide open spaces.

monae464 said...

i really like your blog but i have no followers and im new please follow me on my blog and comment

Agni said...

The pictures are like ruins. They sing a sad,beautiful tale. You find yourself drowning in its stillness. The picture of the swing set is the one I liked the most.
Have a nice day. Bye.


worldamazingfacts said...

ya nice & very big & open space ..