Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Happy Holidays, especially you Linda Jean

I added another number to my yearly count this week. Hence, the change in the "about me" portion that referred vaguely to my age. My birthday was full, especially my stomach. I kissed some man fixing to ride off on a horse in Oklahoma and I ate at the Olive Garden in Wichita. I ate spaghetti at marg's house on the actual date and Pho Hoa that evening. Tuesday I ate at an office luncheon at a local radio station which the staff referred to as a "holiday party". I think it was called that so as not to offend me and include my birthday as part of the celebration (though I was not offered a White Elephant which makes me think the party was not really for my birthday). I ate cabbage rolls that evening at the farm along with pink peppermint cake. For birthday week today I went to Super Pollo which had a political message on the wall which loosely translated said something like "protecting the rights of the foreigner is peace" which loosely reworked in my mind means "peace for your birthday holiday season." I thought that was very sweet of the them and the pollo torta was so yummy. I haven't eaten my birthday week supper tonight on account of still being full and feeling sick. My headache spread to my body this afternoon. The big event for Wednesday of birthday week is that it rained tree limbs in my yard (It may inspire a new song-- "I'm dreaming of a barky birthday"). I hope you continue to enjoy the holiday season. Birthday season ends on Friday.

I need new pants for Christmas.

1 comment:

malh said...
