Wednesday, June 14, 2006

For all of you who love hearing my name in song

I found one I had never heard! I'm so happy.


mllr said...

Wow, they are like the Asian Rolling Stones...very catchy, but what are they saying about you?

linda jean said...

I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that worldwide no one says anything bad about linda.

Shauna said...

I found a song about a Shauna, but it's X-rated.

linda jean said...

This one may be x-rated too. I still don't have full comprehension in Japanese.

malh said...

I was just looking up songs with my name the other day and had to quit, there are too many, and they run the whole gamut from pure and holy to blocked by my filter. Did you know that Linda was the name that first usurped Mary as the most popular?

linda jean said...

yes, i did know that linda took over mary's #1 spot. sorry about that. it is a much better name than the one's that have taken over since. i think i like the linda songs because there aren't yet too many.

bloggendrauf said...

I think the song is funny. It sounds a lot like the stuff I'm always telling my mom and dad. I think all songs should have "Jonathan" in them because it is a very poetic name and lots of stuff rhymes with my name. Por ejemplo:

I can groove with Jonathan
Because he's the coolest fan

Anyway, I thought the band sucked. Be that as it may, it's a very nice song even though I never heard them say "Aunt Linda".


jmlo said...

Jonathan I am not going to let you blog any longer if you use language like that. You are grounded buddy!!!