Wednesday, April 15, 2009

some of my girls

Sometimes you find random poems. You will read a "poem of the day" and think to yourself, "I really like that poet." Then you spend the rest of the afternoon reading other things that they've written. These are some of my girls:

A Favor of Love by Molly Peacock
The Enigma by Anne Stevenson
The Riddle of the Shrink by Nuar Alsadir


Susan said...

I really like the first poem.

linda jean said...

i know. i especially love that she keeps the secret

Susan said...

why is it that stories/poems set in grocery stores resonate so much? Have you seen the movie "Nine Lives"? It's nine short stories put together in a movie and most of it is crap, but there is one story about this man and woman in a grocery store and it just rips your heart out. And the woman is Robin Wright Penn, so you can't really go wrong. You should definitely check it out.