Thursday, May 14, 2009


It's been a strange spring. It never seems to be warm on the weekends, but I decided that the spring time hike was necessary. So despite temperatures that were not as warm as I would have liked (though very pleasant) and clouds, I found my way to Scott Park. I posted pictures a couple of years ago with a more detailed account. This time the pictures are for fun, and it's less of a tour.

The yellow flowers are from the top of the little path I climbed. Below is the path I climbed to the
top of the ridge below the top. (Hopefully that makes sense.) You can't really tell from the picture, but the climb was a little bit steep. I don't usually have a desire for the steep climbs, but last weekend I wanted to feel my feet slipping out from underneath me. I wanted to flex my calves and force my feet to stop when all of gravity was against me. I wanted to scrape my hands on the rocks as I searched for my next foothold. It felt good.


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betsyann said...

I think I took that hike with some of the boys. We sent the little ones down the easy way.