Wednesday, September 27, 2006

It's not in aisle 12

I hear that some people like grocery shopping. I'm usually in a state of paranoia, convinced that I am being mocked by the people watching through the bubble ceiling cameras because I've walked down the same aisle at least 10 times. Some of the passes I pick up new items some I don't, but there continues to be an item that I am convinced is located in this aisle that isn't, but I can't really think of where else it could be. Tahini/sesame seed paste. Where is it?


mllr said...

I am pretty sure you can't find tahini in Blackwell...but I would look in that weird middle eastern/mexican/other foreign food aisle in Dillons in GC...or since your asian population has grown so much, by the peanut butter

mllr said...

If you want a totally embarassing trip to the grocery store, take all four of my kids...At least now they are old enough to send out to the car

linda jean said...

yeah, i looked in the asian foods and near the peanut butter to no avail. the problem is that i have inhereted the inability to see things right in front of me so i really could have passed by it 5 times and never known. i hate how they rush you out of the store once you've paid. i also dropped my keys and cell phone in an attmept to hurry out of the way of the next shopper, which actually slowed everyone down.

malh said...

Health food section.

Ben said...

i think the post "Health food section." is a work of art.

rarely have i seen a more laconic and yet appropriate post in any forum. thank you very much malh.