Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dandelion Break

So, my neighbors probably hate me, or at least hate my lawn care. The dandelions remind of Bloom County. It's too bad they are despised as a weed because they really are nice. And they love the wind like I do. My copy of Bloom County Babylon is falling apart, though I realized today that it's 20 years old. Yikes. The world is in need of a "mass dandelion break".


mllr said...

hmm...wind and dandelions...I prefer a gentle breeze and daffodils

linda jean said...

daffodils are pansys about the wind.

betsyann said...

Great pictures. I like dandelions too. But I don't do lawn care, so maybe that's why. My mom has a special knife just for cutting dandelions out of the yard.

mllr said...

so am I

Anonymous said...

was that so am i.. a i'm a pansy about the wind?

linda jean said...

M-- you're no pansy. You're a daisy :)

mllr said...

Yes, I am a pansy about the wind.

mllr said...

but thanks for the flowery compliment Linda

malh said...

Lilian loves dandelions too. But, I told her that we couldn't blow them into our neighbors yards. we did blow them into the empty lot by the fire station, though. You have to blow ALL the seeds for your wish to come true. I see you have a lot of granted wishes coming your way. :)

linda jean said...
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linda jean said...

Alas, the wind blew most of those, but maybe my house will be credited with the wishes.

Shauna said...

Isabelle blew some into our van yesterday, and given the amount of dirt the kiddies track in ...