Sunday, May 20, 2007

Jacob's Well

I visited Jacob's Well this weekend and the Big Basin in Clark County. I got a late start and was sort of regretting making the drive until I reached my turn. The grass was beautiful, there were loads of flowers, and the buffalo had recently calved. This is an amazing spot because it's so unexpected.

It's wonderful the way it completely surprises you every time because it's so hidden. Reaching it reminds me of the first time I drove through Kansas City and saw skyscrapers or driving to Colorado and suddenly seeing mountains. This is a little better surprise because you cannot see it until you arrive.

This is Jacob's Well. It's just a little nook of water surrounded by cottonwoods. It's never been known to go dry and is the subject of legend. My favorite is that the well is inhabited by blind fish. The water isn't flowing and I'm pretty sure I'd have to be blind to swim in it so the blind fish doesn't seem so far-fetched. It's sad to admit because I'd swim just about anywhere.


lobiwan said...

You take really good pictures.

linda jean said...

Thanks. This is the first camera I've ever personally owned.

Anonymous said...

What kind of camera is it.. and hey I'm ready for you to come visit again.

Anonymous said...

oh and I wonder if you saw a human sized poop before walking down to the well.. because for some reason I feel like I mysteriously saw one there last time I stopped through.

linda jean said...

The camera is regular. It's a sony... i don't know anything else about it. I did take a lot of "buffalo pie" pictures, but the "flora, fauna, and feces" post didn't make the cut. No evidence of human defication was seen. Everyone should know that the rule is "pack it out".

bloggendrauf said...

This is a special place because it's one of the first places where my mommy and daddy went together with their kind chaparone - Auntie Linda. Perhaps if they hadn't gone here that magical Kansas chemistry wouldn't have taken hold of them and then... oh my! I may not exist... Perish the thought!

linda jean said...

yes bloggendrauf, the place has a special magic. it was important that anutie linda be there to make your mommy look good by suffering from allergies and nosebleeds that day.