Monday, May 29, 2006

Batter my heart

That's a link to the text of John Donne's Holy Sonnet XIV. It is one of my favorites and has been going through my head like a prayer during communion for the past few weeks. In high school we were all assigned two poets. We had to present two of their poems to the class and tell a little about the poet. I had the great fortune of being assigned John Donne and he has been a favorite ever since. The link is specifically for Joanna to read it, and I would recommend reading some others too. (Holy Sonnet X and A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning would be a good place to start).

The other poet was William Stafford, a poet who grew up in Kansas, and has a good number of Kansas poems. I was also very lucky to be assigned him. Perhaps I would have enjoyed the assignment no matter which poets I had to research, but I have a special fondness for these two. Thank you Mrs. Lance.


Shauna said...

It's kind of cool that this particular Donne poem was mentioned on two different blogs I read this week.

linda jean said...

That is wacky, which other blog?

Shauna said...

Lisa Samson is a Christian author I really like, and another Christian author I really like (Angela Hunt, who also wrote The Tale of Three Trees) made a comment on her blog ( about Donne and quoted that particular poem.

Anonymous said...

thank you linda! I will read it as soon as I get a real break.