Sunday, July 01, 2007

The things I see

I hate how animals become accustomed to people. Some of these cattle actually stopped what they were doing to pose for the camera. The breaks have gotten way too commercial.

This is called a cave, but it looks like an arch. It seems it has undergone some erosion since it was named.

Yep, that's Nebraska over there.


Ben said...

i absolutely love the statement "the breaks have gotten way too commercial" for i love many things that evoke a certain forgotten and illicit grooviness out of the unpleasantness of the past disassociations with the established practices and norms, especially when they are evoked by an attorney from kansas

if only tommy chong were there to record the expression for you, and if only blogger did sound, and if only Jesus sounded like george carlin sometimes and tommy chong other times and charleton heston other you suppose Jesus does impressions of folks, like a roast in heaven or something with dean martin and don rickles and sammy davis jr and stuff

linda jean said...

hmmm... pretty much i hope that everything that i say is a surprise coming from an attorney in kansas. i guess because every morning i wake up surprised that i am an attorney from kansas.
i like the idea of Jesus doing impressions, but i'm not going to think about it for fear of accidently laughing inappriately during church.